Author: Daniel Russo

New businesses added to COG Marketplace
Last week, we added 19 new businesses to the COG Marketplace! COG Marketplace is a place where members of the Church of God community can come together and support the small businesses of our fellow brethren. The marketplace consists of a regularly maintained list of COG member owned businesses. All business information listed on the […]

New Resources added to COG Resource Center
We have added more resources to our COG Resource Center! CGN’s website has well over 400 resources from around the Church of God including children’s books, COG dating sites, music resources and more. Check out these and the many others we have listed! As a reminder, visitors can search across every page of every website […]

CGN Welcomes Two New Data Managers!
Please join us in welcoming Gordon Wallace and David Klett to our team! They will be volunteering their time and skills to assist CGN as data managers. Gordon and David will be helping with upkeep of the Congregation Map and Resource Center as well as other data projects. They are excited to help build community […]

Congregation Map Updated
We’ve added new congregations and updated existing ones on our congregation map! Check out the 1,600+ congregations from 130+ organizations listed. See who is in your area! If you know of congregations that aren’t on our map and should be, let us know! If the congregations aren’t listed publicly online, we only ask that permission […]

New Educational & Business Development Grantee: George Agyapong
We’re excited to announce that our next recipient of the Educational & Business Development grant program is George Agyapong! He is a member of the Church of God International in Ghana. George is currently training to become a physician’s assistant. He plans to use his CGN grant to purchase medical books and pay some of […]

CGN Podcast – Episode 7: My Calling & Time in RCG – with Guest Carisa Rehbein
Check out other CGN Podcast Episodes

2 Year Anniversary of the Educational & Business Development Grant Program
Happy two year anniversary to CGN’s Educational and Business Development Grants program! The purpose of the Educational and Business Development grant program is to help Church of God brethren in developing countries start successful, profitable, and sustainable businesses, or obtain training or education for jobs that will provide a reliable source of income. We do […]

#FeastTogether Collage
Thank you so much to everyone for making #FeastTogether go viral this year!! We loved all of your pictures so much…that we created a collage featuring brethren from around the world, unified in worshiping our great God & celebrating His plan for peace together! Check out all of the photos at our Facebook page!

CGN Episode 6: Self-Forgetfulness (Daniel Russo & Chantelle West)
Check out other CGN Podcast Episodes