CGN Local Contacts

Become a CGN Local Contact!

Ready to be an integral part of building community within the Church of God? Here’s what you can do! CGN Local Contacts are passionate individuals eager to meet fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, actively supporting the Church of God Network in our mission. As a Local Contact, you’ll be the go-to person for CGN in your area, making a meaningful impact.

Responsibilities & Guidelines:

  1. Visit Other COG Brethren: Periodically visit neighboring Church of God organizations. Always seek permission in advance and coordinate with your home congregation minister to ensure it aligns with your responsibilities at home. Expectations are that local contacts will fellowship with another group (different from the one they normally attend with) twice a year. Though you can absolutely visit more if it’s doable! The fellowship can be in the form of visiting for Church services or something casual like grabbing dinner with members of another fellowship.
  2. Serve: Get involved! Find ways to assist and serve during your visits. Your willingness to help will be greatly appreciated.
  3. Respect Leadership: Respect the authority in place at other congregations. Remember, you’re a guest, so work harmoniously with their leadership.
  4. Make Friends: Connect with your brothers and sisters in the places you visit. Cultivate friendships, build meaningful relationships, and enjoy the experience.
  5. Avoid Division: During visits, steer clear of arguments, controversial beliefs, or anything that might cause division among brethren.
  6. Stay Informed: Keep an eye out for opportunities where CGN can contribute in your area. Stay connected with local brethren, ministers, and be the go-to person for information or assistance.
  7. Be Available for Calls: Stay connected with the CGN team through periodic phone or Zoom calls. The CGN Local Contacts will meet together as a group quarterly via Zoom.

Ready to make a difference? Sign up as a CGN Local Contact and let’s strengthen our community together!





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