New Within Your Gates grantee announced!
A key component to building community is having an attitude of service toward that community. Whether it’s within the Church of God or those in our local neighborhoods, it’s important we come together to love and serve others. Within Your Gates is a grant program designed to promote, facilitate, and fund work parties. The work parties we help fund consist of members from various COG organizations and are a powerful way to build community while simultaneously serving others!
We are excited to announce the first Within Your Gates grantee, since shifting it to a grant based program: Blake Silverstein!
Blake will be using the grant to lead a work party for the benefit of a COG member in Texas. The funds, along with the volunteer assistance of several Church of God brethren in the area, will be used to address several much needed repairs on her home which she is unable to do herself.
The work party will be occurring this coming June, so if you’re interested in helping, please contact us and we will put you in touch with Blake to see how you can assist! If you are interested in donating to the project, please click the “Donate” button on the top right corner of our website and add the note “Silverstein Work Party” to ensure the funds go toward that project. Any remaining funds will stay within the Within Your Gates program for the next grantee.
If you know of someone in need in a local Church of God congregation or someone in your local community and are wanting to lead a work party for that person, please apply for a Within Your Gates grant!
If you can lead a work party, but are searching for willing labor, skill, material, and funding to execute the work party, contact WithinYourGates@ChurchofGodNetwork.org and we’ll work to share our network to connect YOU with the skills and resources to help people within your gates whenever the need arises!