14 Jun 2021

Special Bulletin: The International Centre for World Peace launches!

It’s here—the world tomorrow like you’ve never seen it before!


I held my breath. Placed the headset on. And stepped into Ezekiel’s vision…in virtual reality! I saw tomorrow’s world, today. And now you can too.

The International Center For World Peace (ICFWP) has created a precisely scaled 3D virtual model of the Ezekiel Temple outlined in chapters 40-43 of the prophet’s book. And now, this virtual reality House of God will be open to the world on Saturday 3rd July, at 18:00 (BST), when we host our first live VR event. We are excited to invite you to these monthly VR events where we explore God’s plan for world peace. You can come along using either your PC/laptop or a VR headset.

Through these events, we hope to bring people together by creating a space to explore God’s plan for world peace. These monthly events mean all people can now virtually come “up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob” and in doing so, learn of God’s ways (Isaiah 2:3). For the first time ever, it will be possible to virtually experience the millennial restoration that Ezekiel witnessed in his vision 2500 years ago.

So, what can you expect at the VR events?

When you enter an event (having created your own  avatar), you will drop onto a mountainside, south of the Temple. With others, you will take the journey that thousands took to the first and second Temples in bygone centuries, walking up the south ascent through the towering southern gate and into the expanse of the outer court of God’s future House. This will be a new experience for us all and a foretaste of what awaits us on the other side of the return of Jesus Christ as King of kings. As you enter the outer court, you can enjoy real-time interactions with others attending the event—you could literally be speaking to someone on the other side of the world, or meeting brethren you haven’t seen in a long time. And in a year that has seen travel restrictions cutting us off from our brothers and sisters, this ‘face-to-face’ interaction will reconnect us. When the presentation is about to begin, we will make our way into the inner court, dominated by the majestic Temple. The presentations will cover many topics shedding light on God’s plan for individual and universal peace as expressed in the message of the Kingdom of God, as well as practical messages to help us navigate life and faith. After the presentation, there will be a chance for us to ask questions to the presenter(s) and then continue to connect with others attending the event.

We hope this immersive experience can be a powerful tool in bringing alive biblical teaching and the vision of the soon-coming wonderful world tomorrow. In addition to VR events, the ICFWP will be releasing a podcast series and written content where we explore a variety of biblical, culturally relevant, and practical topics.

If you would like to attend an event, please see our attached infographic or head over to our events page at www.events.icfwp.org to sign up (there is a video that walks you through the steps). You can also sign up to our newsletter at www.icfwp.org, or check us out on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ICFWP.org. We look forward to seeing you in the virtual House of God!



Tim and Richard

President & Vice President of International Centre for World Peace



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About the Author

Timothy Stahle is President of the International Centre for World Peace (ICFWP). He is a Church of God member and lives in Sweden.