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Month: December 2024
Happy 5 year anniversary to our COG Development Program!
Happy 5 year anniversary to our COG Development program! The program’s purpose is to help brethren in developing countries start successful, profitable and sustainable businesses, or obtain training or education for jobs that will provide a reliable source of income. This is done through micro grants that will help pay for the training or education, […]
Grantee Update: Francisco Solorzano
Check out the encouraging update from Francisco Solorzano (one of our previous COG Development Program grantees)! Francisco is a member of the United Church of God in Guatemala who decided to start a volunteer program to teach English as a second language to young people in local COG congregations in his country. He used his […]
New COG Development Grantee: James Luwanja
Congratulations to our newest grant recipient: James Luwanja! He attends with the Living Church of God in Malawi. He will be using his grant funds for irrigation farming equipment (like a pump and pipes). Here is a note from James regarding his plans for the future: I have been using water canes by hand to […]