Author: Marissa Baker

Marissa Baker is a second-generation Sabbath keeper who currently attends with a United Church of God group. She is the author of God's Love Story (free to download on Smashwords) and The INFJ Handbook, now in an expanded second edition available in paperback and ebook. You can find Marissa online at where she blogs about personal growth and development from a Christian perspective.
19 Apr 2020

10 Scriptures to Help You Hold on to Hope in Times of Depression & Anxiety

Are you nervous? The whole world amid a pandemic. With social distancing regulations, business closings, and church cancellations affecting our daily lives, danger suddenly seems very real. Even people who aren’t normally prone to anxiety and depression can start to feel on-edge and discouraged. It’s an understandable reaction. But just because fear is a human […]

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14 Feb 2020

Why Don’t We Talk About Mental Health In The Church?

We understand that the indwelling of God’s Holy Spirit is designed to transform our minds to become like His. So, an obvious conclusion would be that God’s people should be the most mentally healthy people in the world. How can you struggle with anxiety when God has given you a spirit “of power and of […]

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