10 Jun 2020

CGN Resource Center & Congregation Map Updated!

New data has been added to Church of God Network’s website! Our website now includes over 320 resources in the COG Resource Center and over 1,550 Church of God congregations on the Congregation Map.

AND, in case you didn’t hear, visitors now have the ability to search CGN’s Congregation Map by distance! Just type in your location, select a distance, and you’ll see all Church of God congregations within that radius.

By our estimation, Church of God Network’s Congregation Map represents 45-50 thousand people. We also estimate there are an additional 10-12 thousand Church of God brethren within groups that do not list their congregations publicly online. We recognize that Church of God (7th Day) has a long history as part of the Church of God community, as well. While our map only features a handful of their congregations, we recognize this is only a small portion of that group’s representation in the Church of God. That being said, we don’t currently have a good way to estimate the actual number of Church of God (7th Day) brethren, who hold the core beliefs as outlined in the “Who We Serve” section of our “Mission & Vision” page.

About the Author

Daniel Russo is a lifelong New Yorker and currently resides in Albany, New York. He currently works as the Manager of Business Operations at Parent to Parent of NYS. He previously worked at the Empire